Monday, October 30, 2006


Jake's video from last spring has started appearing as a part of a show called How2Kids, about kids with special hobbies or abilities.

Watch the video now. Some of you have seen it before, but it's starting to get airtime now.

For those of you joining us late, Jake demolished his previous record yesterday, running a 5k in 22:18! His previous best (from July) was 23:03 and his previous best before that (from Memorial Day this year) was 23:53.

That means he's cut his PR by one and a half minutes in just a few months. Holy Adidas, Batman!

But the year's not over yet! He and I decided to kick off another fund raiser run, and he's going to run the Thanksgiving Day race in La Canada, just a few miles from us.

If you'd like to sponsor Jake, just email me. You'd be supporting him for up to $25. Here's how it works:

$10 if he runs and finishes
$5 more if he breaks his PR (currently 22:18)
$5 more if he wins his age division
$5 more if he breaks 22 minutes (his goal for this race)

In the past, some of you have double and even triple sponsored him, so if you'd like to do that, please just let me know!



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