Thursday, May 25, 2006

Brentwood This Sunday!

There hasn't been much posting activity lately, but there's been LOTS of training activity.

Jake has really been diligently training for this weekend's race at Brentwood: three workouts a week of about 3 miles a day. That's a lot of miles, but he's really been enjoying it because it means a lot of Papa-Jake time at the gym.

He's looking good, and I think he'll make some nice gains in his PR. It's tough to say at his age because the physical changes can be profound over a short time or not at all.

Anyway, I'm going to send out official results and give you a pledge URL on Monday or Tuesday, once the results become official. Again, this isn't a race he's expecting to win, because it's a very competitive field and the age group goes all the way to 14, but he's still running against the clock.

Wish him luck!


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